Our Impact
By the numbers
Our Stories

At the core of CSET’s mission is creating equitable classroom opportunities for all students. This is a complex process that requires self-reflection from all stakeholders, data analysis, and persistence in identifying and solving problems. It also requires trust and cooperation between teachers, administrators, students, and parents. Through projects like AP Success, CSET is working to disrupt the pervasive and predictable gaps in both AP opportunity and success to bring more equitable and representative opportunities to students who take AP classes.

Community Building
Hollyhock Fellow, Jonathan Montero, talks about the sense of community developed during the Hollyhock Summer Institute--something that he does not find in a typical PD.

The Problem-Solving Cycle: A Partnership with the San Francisco Unified School District
“This partnership feels so unique to me because CSET is helping us to think about implementation and practice on the ground. Very often practitioners experience educational research 5 or 6 years after work has been done. While this kind of research might influence some of the thinking and some of the design in a district, it is not immediate to our learning. Our work with CSET is helping us to learn, to make sense, and to ask our own questions. It’s a model of two organizations working hand in hand to get better at what we’re trying to get better at, which is high quality mathematics for all learners in San Francisco.”
Lizzy Hull Barnes
SFUSD Mathematics Supervisor