Improving Instruction to Promote Excellence for All
Designed for teaching teams to learn together, this interactive and intensive experience provides an opportunity for teachers to explore research-informed ideas about how people learn and the core practices that support student learning. By the end of this year-long professional development experience, teachers will understand that instructional excellence requires intentional and strategic decision making that is inclusive of all students’ identities, experiences, and knowledge.
During the 5-day institute, teachers will carefully examine the coherence of their curriculum units, analyze multiple high–leverage teaching practices including using discussion for meaning making and incorporating formative assessment as a tool for understanding student learning. Teachers will also identify target goals for improvement in the next school year.
This work is enhanced when teachers work together as teams, therefore we are strongly encouraging teams from the same department, school, or district to attend together. The institute is designed for secondary teacher teams of all subject areas. Our approach will be relevant for teachers from any school system or country that values student-centered learning.
CSET recognizes that transformative professional development occurs when teachers have the opportunity to implement what they learned during the summer in their classrooms during the school year, and have a structured means of reflection. Consequently, this program extends past the summer with year-long mentoring including four virtual coaching sessions throughout the school year. These sessions are included in the program tuition.
Stanford University is a world leading research institute.
Contact Suzanne Burrows, sburrows@stanford.edu, for questions on registration or lodging.
Date and time
June 10, 2019 - June 14, 2019
Hong Kong
The hotel attached to Jao Tsung-I Academy is called the Heritage Lodge. Please contact Suzanne Burrows for hotel booking details.
$1750 per participant.