CSET Professional Learning

Hollyhock Fellowship Program

Nearly half of all teachers leave the classroom within five years. In schools that serve low-income students, the turnover is even higher—leaving the most vulnerable students with the least experienced teachers. The Hollyhock Fellowship Program addressed these complicated educational realities by encouraging and supporting highly motivated, early-career high school teachers to persist and thrive in the classroom by providing them with rich learning opportunities with colleagues nationwide.


The Hollyhock Fellowship welcomes high school teachers from across the country who are interested in deepening and developing their content-specific instructional practices and creating equitable access and opportunities for all learners in their classrooms. Hollyhock Fellows make a commitment to remain at their current school for the duration of the two-year fellowship so that they can support one another in their professional growth and make an impact at their schools.

The fellowship includes

  • A 2-year program of professional development
    • ​2 weeks in residence each summer at Stanford U. with workshops focused on teaching one’s core content area & examining issues of equity in schools
    • Online coaching sessions throughout each school year with expert practitioners & peers
  • A $2000 stipend for participation
  • Travel, room, and board expenses paid during each summer residency
  • 18 Continuing education units (Each CEU is equivalent to 10 hours of PD)

Fellows in the program fit the following criteria: 

  • Between 2-8 years of teaching experience in science, math, history/social science, or English
  • A teaching position at a high school where >50% of students qualify for free and reduced lunch
  • 2-4 other teachers from their same school apply (maximum team size is 5 including applicant)
  • A belief in equitable outcomes for all students
  • Commitment to professional growth as a classroom teacher
  • Support from school administration
  • Investment in collaboration with school team and fellowship cohort

What do fellows have to say about their Hollyhock experience?

Hollyhock Leader Perspectives

Our approach to professional learning and adult development closely aligns with Hollyhock’s, privileging an inquiry model and working to give teachers the structure and resources to understand themselves as learners. All of the six teachers participating describe their time in the Hollyhock Fellowship as deeply formative – to their practice, as well as their understanding of what it means to be an educator.

-Ben Grossman, Principal
Bronx Academy for Software Engineering | Bronx, NY

Hollyhock transforms teachers to be agents of change. Our Hollyhock team has re-energized and renewed the spirit of learning in our school resulting in a decrease of teacher attrition and an increase in teacher leadership.

-Panorea Panagiosoulis, Principal
Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy International High School | Bronx, NY

Our students are better equipped for college because of our three cohorts of Hollyhock fellows. They are sharing their experiences with their respective departments and providing PD. Not only does it keep good teachers here at Phillips, the tools from the fellowship give our students opportunities that many in our society did not think was possible. 

-Matthew Sullivan, Principal
Wendell Phillips Academy High School | Chicago, IL

Our teacher teams came back not only energized about their own teaching practice, but with a sincere desire to have an expanded impact on our school community. The coursework, the coaching, and the cohort experience all make the fellowship a valuable and motivating experience for great teachers who want to stay and lead from the classroom.

-Dave Howland, Founding Principal
KIPP Atlanta Collegiate | Atlanta, GA