CSET Professional Learning


Nanoscience Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers (NanoSIMST)

Content Deepening Courses

NanoSIMST at Stanford University


The nanofacilities at Stanford (nano@stanford) are holding a four day Nanoscience Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers (NanoSIMST). See what we did in 2018

June 24-27, 2019
10am - 6pm
Stanford University

Selected teachers will learn the underlying physical concepts in nanotechnology and nanoscience in simple terms. This unique learning experience can enrich your current courses through both deepening content understanding and instructional practices. Please keep in mind, housing stipends are not provided. 

Selected teachers will:

  • Learn about the cutting edge research at Stanford from guest lectures
  • Develop customized, NGSS-aligned activities and lesson plans for your classroom
  • Receive stipend upon completion of workshop ($400) and classroom implementation ($200)

Questions? Contact Angela Hwang  (aahwang@stanford.edu)


Date and time

June 24, 2019 - June 27, 2019


Stanford University


Receive stipend upon completion of workshop ($400) and classroom implementation ($200)