Eliciting Student Thinking and Academic Discussion
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this course is not currently being offered. If/when we are able to resume this professional learning experience, new dates and specific details will be announced as soon as they are in place. We thank you for your patience, flexibility, and understanding.
Course Details
By the end of this year-long interactive and intensive professional development experience, teachers will explore research-informed ideas about how people learn, curricular coherence and the core practices of eliciting and responding to student thinking and facilitating discussion, which are core practices central to supporting the creation of equitable learning opportunities for students. Teachers will apply ideas introduced during the institute by engaging in a collaborative learning cycle for understanding, which consist of strategies and moves that teachers learn, analyze and practice. CSET recognizes that transformative professional learning occurs when teachers are afforded sustained and ongoing opportunities to apply and reflect. To that end, this program begins the learning cycle during the summer institute and then provides support through the school year via four virtual group coaching sessions. Teachers will meet with content area colleagues in a video conference facilitated by a CSET instructional coach. These sessions are included in the institute tuition.
Questions that Guide the Institute:
What must teachers know about all of their students, and how does this knowledge positively impact equitable learning opportunities for all students?
What does the current research-base say about how people learn, and what are the implications for curriculum design and instruction?
What are the strategies and moves teachers can make to effectively elicit and respond to student thinking in order to improve learning opportunities for all students?
What are some of the highest leverage routines, strategies and moves teachers can make to create conditions for productive and inclusion academic discussions?
Who Should Attend:
Secondary teachers with two or more years of teaching experience in English, science, math, history/social science, or language who are committed to their own professional growth and equitable learning outcomes for their students
Teams of two or more teachers from the same school
Teachers looking for meaningful collaboration opportunities with colleagues from different schools from around the world
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Date and time
Monash University, Australia
$2500 USD