
Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning (ChemEx^2)

ChemEx2 is a team effort led by the Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, the Stanford Department of Chemistry, and Leading Teachers who facilitate the professional learning experiences.

Central to the ChemEx2 philosophy is the idea that teachers should tailor learning experiences to their students.  ChemEx2 has developed a core set of rich phenomena that illustrate a wide range of chemical concepts.  During the ChemEx2 Summer Institute, teachers are supported in the process of selecting a learning purpose for a phenomenon, altering the phenomenon to meet the needs of their students, and developing a classroom-ready product.

In addition to the summer institute, teachers also participate in two community development days during the school year.  The purpose of these days is to share the successes and challenges of implementing ChemEx2 in the classroom, to share resources with other members of the community, and to experience new chemical phenomena for particular learning purposes.  The aim is for teachers to continue using ChemEx2 concepts and experiences in their classrooms after their particular cohort is over, giving them tools to inspire both their students and fellow colleagues.