
Pondering Excellence

CSET’s Pondering Excellence in Teaching speaker series is an opportunity for the general public and Stanford’s academic community to hear research-based talks from faculty, staff experts, and students that provoke thinking and encourage dialogue on what excellent teaching means.  Check out our latest talks below.

Identity and Learning in Collaborative Math Classrooms: Fostering Inclusion and Productivity
Jennifer M. Langer-Osuna, PhD
November 15, 2017
Supporting Science Discourse and Argumentation in Elementary Classrooms
Florencia Gomez Zaccarelli, PhD
October 4, 2017
All Students and Teachers as Math Learners: A Partnership to Refine and Implement Two Interconnected Models
Problem-Solving Cycle Team
May 24, 2017
Practicing Responsiveness
Mary Hauser; Mike Metz, PhD; Sarah Schneider Kavanagh, PhD
March 14, 2017
Get Woke: Moving from ‘It’s Whatever’ to Dangerous Teacher Development
G Reyes, PhD
December 14, 2016
Strengthening the Feedback on Teaching
Edit Khachatryan, PhD
November 16, 2016