Our Team - Affiliates

Emily Southerton
Doctoral Student
Bio update is on it's way but this is what Emily did while she was working with CSET: As a learning scientist, Emily Southerton studies youth agency & social justice efforts and how they relate to educational writing technologies & curricula. She has expertise in applying quantitative, qualitative, & participatory methodologies in community with research participants. She is advised by John Willinsky and Sarah Levine and is a member of the Poetic Media Lab at Stanford's Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis as well as a researcher with the Language to Literacy Lab and the Center to Support Excellence in Teaching (CSET) within the GSE. She is a graduate student writing tutor at the Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, mentors at the GSE Makery, and TAs in Qualitative Methods, Technology for Learners, and Curriculum and Instruction in Stanford’s Teacher Education Program (STEP). Before coming to Stanford, she worked in the field of education for eight years in which she taught middle school Humanities and Computer Science and created the Poet Warriors Project, a digital publishing platform that amplifies the work of youth poets from low-income schools across the country: www.poetwarriorsproject.com.