The Problem-Solving Cycle (PSC) is a National Science Foundation funded project that has developed a research-based professional development (PD) model. This model is highly adaptable and can be specifically focused on problems of practice that are of interest to the participating teachers and administrators. Additionally, it can be tailored to highlight federal, state, district, and school-based initiatives that are ever-changing and ongoing in the life of a teacher.
The PSC project is a research-practice partnership with the San Francisco Unified School District. The current focus is on creating teacher leaders in middle school math classrooms and studying the effect on student learning.
PSC Project Products:
Borko, H., Carlson, J., Jarry-Shore, M., Barnes, E., & Ellsworth, A. (2017, May). All students & teachers as math learners: A partnership to refine and implement two interconnected models. Presented at Stanford University’s CSET’s Pondering Excellence in Teaching Talk Series, Stanford, CA.
Borko, H., Carlson, J., Deutscher, R., & Ryan, J. (2018, May). A research-practice partnership to build district capacity. Video presented at 2018 STEM For All Video Showcase.
Borko, H. (2021 August). The Problem-Solving Cycle and Teacher Leadership Preparation Program: Developing and Researching a Model for Bringing Mathematics Professional Development to Scale. Research Seminar [Zoom] presented at IPN Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Kiel.
Borko, H., Carlson, J., Mangram, C., Anderson, R., Fong, A., Million, S., Mozenter, S., & Villa, A. M. (2017). The role of video-based discussion in model for preparing professional development leaders. International Journal of STEM Education, 4(1), 1-15.
Borko, H., Carlson, J., Deutscher, R., Boles, K. L., Delaney, V., Fong, A., Jarry-Shore, M., Malamut, J., Million, S., Mozenter, S., & Villa, A. M. (2021). Learning to Lead: an Approach to Mathematics Teacher Leader Development. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-23.
Conference Presentations
Borko, H. (2015, February). Design-based implementation research in schools: Benefits & challenges. Paper presented at AACTE, Washington, D.C.
Borko, H., & Carlson, J. (2016, April) Design-based implementation research: adapting a professional development leadership model with a school district” Paper presented at AERA in a symposium entitled A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Effective Video-Based Professional Development, Washington, D.C.
Borko, H. (2016, June). Preparing mathematics teachers to facilitate the problem-solving cycle professional development. Paper presented at the Symposium and Workshop on Video Resources for Mathematics Teacher Development at the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel.
Mozenter, S. (2017, February). Video-based discussions: Meeting the multiple demands of PD for content teachers serving English language learners. Presented at National Association for Bilingual Education, Dallas, TX.
Borko, H., & Villa III, A. M. (2017, March). Facilitating Video-Based Mathematics Professional Development. Presented at Teacher Development Group Leadership Seminar, Portland, OR.
Villa III, A. M., & Jarry-Shore, M. (2017, March). Facilitating video-based mathematics professional development. Research symposium at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Carlson, J., Jarry-Shore, M., Barnes, E., & Ellsworth, A. (2017, March). All students & teachers as math learners: A partnership to refine and implement two interconnected models. Presented at Stanford-SFUSD Partnership Annual Meeting, Stanford, CA.
Jarry-Shore, M., Fong, A., Dyer, E., Gomez Zaccarelli, F., & Borko, H. (2018, February). Video for equity: Designing video-based discussions of student authority. Presentation at Association of Mathematics Teacher Education, Houston, TX.
Fong, A., Dyer, E., & Gomez Zaccarelli, F. (2018, February). A shared vision for teacher improvement: Adapting professional development for local context by leveraging district-developed tools. Presentation at Association of Mathematics Teacher Education, Houston, TX.
Mozenter, S., Gomez Zaccarelli, F., & Ellsworth, A. (2018, February). Video-based discussions in service of student agency, authority, and identity. Presentation at the Association of Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.
Mozenter, S., Ellsworth, A., & Gomez Zaccarelli, F. (2018, March). Video-based discussions in service of student agency, authority, & identity. Presentation at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Baltimore. MD.
Borko, H., & Villa III, A. M. (2018, March). Building district capacity to address student access & equity: A research-practice partnership to develop teacher leaders. Presentation at the Teacher Development Group Leadership Seminar, Portland, OR.
Borko, H., Carlson, J., & Treviño, E. (2018, April). A research-practice partnership to develop district capacity: Learning with & from each other. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Mozenter, S., Borko, H., & Jarry-Shore, M. (2018, June). Complicating the connection: Immigrant-background teachers. Paper presented at Teaching & Teacher Education Special Interest Group of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Kristiansaand, Norway.
Treviño, E. Brown, A., Villa III, A.M., & Borko, H. (2018, November). Deconstructing student math content knowledge and groupwork through video-based discussion. Presentation at California Mathematics Council - Northern Section Conference Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA.
Jarry-Shore, M. (2018, November). The in-the-moment noticing of the novice mathematics teacher. Paper and presentation at the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Greenville, SC.
Villa III, A.M., & Boles, K. (2019, February). Actualizing agency, authority, identity, and access to content in two contrasting cases of mathematical groupwork. Presented at Association of Mathematics Teacher Education, Orlando, FL.
Borko, H., & Villa III, A.M. (2019, February/March). Building teachers’ capacity to promote students’ access to rigorous and meaningful mathematics through video-based discussions. Presentation at the Teacher Development Group Leadership Seminar, Portland, OR.
Gomez Zaccarelli, F., Villa III, A.M., Mozenter, S., Boles, K., Deutscher, R., Borko, H., & Carlson, J. (2019, April). How students are oriented toward a mathematical task and their peers: Access to content, agency, authority, and identity. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Mozenter, S., & Borko, H. (2019, April). “Not many people ask me this kind of question.” Three contrasting cases of immigrant-background teachers. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Borko, H., Carlson, J., & Deutscher, R. (2019, April). Learning environments to support teacher leaders’ learning to lead video-based discussions. Poster presented in the structured poster session at the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Villa III, A.M., Boles, K.L., & Borko, H. (2019, November). Teacher leader learning through participation in and facilitation of professional development addressing problems of practice. Paper and presentation at the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, St. Louis, MO.
Boles, K. L., Jarry-Shore, M., Muro Villa III, A., Malamut, J., & Borko, H. (2020, June). Building capacity via facilitator agency: Tensions in implementing an adaptive model of professional development. In M. Gresalfi, & I. S. Horn (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) (pp. 2585-2588). Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Jarry-Shore, M., & Allen, T. (2020, December). Noticing Struggle to Support Student Understanding [Conference Presentation]. California Mathematics Council - North Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, United States.