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photo of Janet Carlson

Janet Carlson

Faculty Director



Graduate School of Education, Room 530

Dr. Carlson's research interests include the impact of educative curriculum materials and transformative professional development on science teaching and learning. She began her career as a middle and high school science teacher and has spent the last 20 years working in science education developing curriculum, leading professional development, and conducting research. Dr. Carlson received a BA in Environmental Biology from Carleton College, an MS in Curriculum and Instruction from Kansas State University, and a PhD in Instruction and Curriculum (science education) from the University of Colorado.

CSET Publications

Horn, I., Lewis, C., Friedkin, S., Garner, B., Ehrenfeld, N., Carlson, J., Borko, H., Fong, A., Shaughnessy, M., & Garcia, N. (2020). Building a Theory of Teacher Learning, Together.

Stovall, J. L., Pimentel, D. R., Carlson, J., & Levine, S. R. (2023). High school mathematics teachers' noticing of inequitable talk. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1-28.

Borko, H., Carlson, J., Deutscher, R., Boles, K. L., Delaney, V., Fong, A., Jarry-Shore, M., Malamut, J., Million, S., Mozenter, S., & Villa, A. M. (2021). Learning to lead: An approach to mathematics teacher leader development. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education19, 121-143.

Kavanagh, S. S., Metz, M., Hauser, M., Fogo, B., Taylor, M. W., & Carlson, J. (2020). Practicing responsiveness: Using approximations of teaching to develop teachers’ responsiveness to students’ ideas. Journal of Teacher Education71(1), 94-107.

Carlson, J., & Daehler, K. R. (2019). Repositioning pedagogical content knowledge in teachers’ knowledge for teaching science. Repositioning Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teachers’ Knowledge for Teaching Science, 1-329.

Zummo, L., Hauser, M., & Carlson, J. (2022). Science Teacher Noticing via Video Annotation: Links between Complexity and Knowledge-Based Reasoning. Journal of Science Teacher Education33(7), 744-763.

Gess-Newsome, J., Taylor, J. A., Carlson, J., Gardner, A. L., Wilson, C. D., & Stuhlsatz, M. A. (2019). Teacher pedagogical content knowledge, practice, and student achievement. International Journal of Science Education41(7), 944-963.

Gess-Newsome, J, Taylor, J. A., Carlson, J., Gardner, A., Wilson, C., & Stuhlsatz, M.A.M. (2017). Teacher pedagogical content knowledge, practice, and student achievement. International Journal of Science Education. [published online]

Dyer, E. B., Jarry-Shore, M., Fong, A., Deutscher, R., Carlson, J., & Borko, H. (2023). Teachers’ engagement with student mathematical agency and authority in school-based professional learning. Teaching and teacher education121, 103881.

Davis, E.A., Kloser, M., Wells, A., Windschitl, M., Carlson, J., & Marino, J-C. (2017). Teaching the practice of leading sense-making discussions in science:  Science teacher educators using rehearsals, Journal of Science Teacher Education. [published online]

Carlson, J., Daehler, K. R., Alonzo, A. C., Barendsen, E., Berry, A., Borowski, A., ... & Wilson, C. D. (2019). The refined consensus model of pedagogical content knowledge in science education. Repositioning pedagogical content knowledge in teachers’ knowledge for teaching science, 77-94.

Borko, H., Carlson, J., Mangram, C., Anderson, R., Fong, A., Million, S., Mozenter, S., Villa, A.M. (2017). The role of video-based discussion in a model for preparing professional development leaders. International Journal of STEM Education, 4:29. doi: 10.1186/s40594-017-0090-3

Bopardikar, A., Carlson, J., Kimber, E., Loper, S., Pareja Roblin, N., & Rostovtseva, T. (2018). Three design heuristics for enhancing the use of video to improve teaching practice. Educational Designer3(10), 1-26.

Carlson, J., Cooper, R., Daehler, K. R., Friedrichsen, P. J., Heller, J. I., Kirschner, S., ... & Wong, N. (2019). Vignettes illustrating practitioners’ and researchers’ applications of the refined consensus model of pedagogical content knowledge. In Repositioning pedagogical content knowledge in teachers’ knowledge for teaching science (pp. 95-115). Singapore: Springer Singapore.

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