Our Team - Students

Victoria Delaney
Doctoral Student
Victoria Delaney is a doctoral student studying Mathematics Education, Computer Science, and the Learning Sciences. She holds a B.S. in Business Administration and Statistics from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.Ed in Educational Leadership from the Urban Principal's Academy at Lehigh University. Currently, Victoria is interested in exploring how technology can be used to improve instructional pedagogy and learning experiences in advanced mathematics and computer science. Within CSET, she works with Hilda Borko, Janet Carlson, and the Problem-Solving Cycle team in partnership with San Francisco Unified School District. Before Stanford, Victoria spent seven years teaching high school algebra, statistics, and calculus in the South, Midwest, and West Coast regions of the United States. While teaching, she collaborated with the Stanford Intelligent Systems Laboratory (SISL) to create Arduino robotics and math projects for her high school students.