

CSET is uniquely positioned to design, develop, and discover novel research and evaluation approaches. We work in close partnership with both the academic community as well as with practitioners. CSET has a diverse team consisting of faculty, researchers, evaluators, and professional development providers who can design research projects and instruments to meet the specific needs of projects, conduct the research, analyze data both quantitatively and qualitatively, and share results through multiple methods.

Check out our research projects below. To find out how CSET can support the analysis of your site’s data, please contact us.


Janet Carlson

The Protocol for Language Arts Teacher Observations (PLATO) is a classroom observation tool designed to capture features of Language Arts instruction. Currently, CSET supports use of PLATO in two capacities. First, we train researchers who want to use PLATO to study teachers' classroom practices.

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Phase 1 (2013 - 2016) Starting in 2013, we began working on a project-based learning curriculum and research project with various middle schools in the San Francisco Bay area. The goal of this Learning Through Performance (LTP) Middle School Science Project was to develop, pilot, and research the efficacy of a sixth-grade science course aligned with the NGSS middle school standards.

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Janet Carlson

TELOS (Technology for Equity in Learning Opportunities) is an initiative of the Stanford Graduate School of Education. The guiding assumption underlying our efforts is that technology has the potential to increase access to high quality learning opportunities but that this will not happen without the intentional design and study of technologies, learning environments, and policies.

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The goal of CSET’s work with the The International School of San Francisco is to help identify and support the mitigation of opportunity and achievement gaps.  Like AP Success, this is an inquiry-based, site specific case study.

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