CSET Professional Learning


The Hollyhock Fellowship program is on indefinite hiatus. To learn more about the goals and achievements of the program, click below to navigate to the program page. 

Hollyhock Program Page

  • Apply as a high school teacher during your 2nd through 8th year of teaching in the classroom with 2-4 other teachers from your same school (maximum team size is 5 including applicant) with whom you are ready to partner with regularly, share your classoom practice, and explore instruction and institutional equity for the two years of the fellowship.
  • Teach at a high school where at least 50% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch
  • Maintain at least a part-time classroom teaching position at your current school site in 1 of the 4 content areas (English, history/social science, math, science) for the duration of the two-year fellowship
  • Live in residence for the entire institute both summers -- no late arrivals/early departures for personal or professional reasons
  • Participate in and prepare fully for all of the school-year, video-conference coaching sessions
  • Have access to a computer or tablet that can support the technology interface
  • Consider putting together a cross-content team to apply as they are more competitive in the application process (although not mandatory)
  • A belief in equitable outcomes for all students
  • Commitment to professional growth as a  classroom teacher and as a leading teacher beyond the classroom
  • Investment in collaborating with school team and fellowship cohort to have a positive impact within a school and in the profession
  • Support from school administration to participate fully each summer and school year and bring what  you learned back to campus
  • Share information about yourself as a classroom teacher, your school, and district by responding to a series of multiple-choice questions.
  • Answer five short-answer questions (1500 character limit per question)
    • What brought you to teaching as a career and what, specifically, compelled you to teach in the community in which your school resides?
    • Please briefly describe any professional learning, coaching, and/or mentoring you will engage with beyond or at your school site this coming school year.
    • What are your goals for improving your teaching? How do those goals align with the features of the Hollyhock Fellowship Program?
    • Consider the role equity and social justice play in your current position. What are some of your strengths and challenges around equity and social justice in your current role?
    • Tell us more about the members of the school team with whom you’ve applied →  for how long, and in what capacity, have you known each member of your proposed school team?  Based on your previous collaboration with your school-team members, how do you know it’s the right team configuration to support your collective growth during the two-years of the fellowship?   What are the strengths of your team?  What challenges might you face working together during the fellowship?
  • Collaborate with your school team to create a 2-3 minute video that allows the Hollyhock Project Team to better get to know your team.
  • Request two people to serve as references (one school administrator and one colleague) who can respond to the following four statements about the applicant and write a short paragraph explaining their ratings.
    • Please rate your level of agreement with the following four statements: Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree
      • This applicant is a highly effective early-career teacher whom colleagues and students deeply respect.
      • This applicant is likely to continue to work and grow as a classroom teacher at our school for at least the next two school years.
      • This applicant is a conscientious and collaborative team player who follows through on commitments and responds to email/other forms of communication in a timely manner.
      • This applicant is open to feedback to improve their instructional practice.