CSET Professional Learning

Farragut Career Academy

We are the teacher team from Farragut! We teach at Farragut Career Academy in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood. Our team is comprised of teachers from the History (Cary Bolnick & Nestor Guzman) and English (Daniela Varela) departments. Although located in a predominantly Mexican-American neighborhood, we also serve the needs of neighboring North Lawndale, a predominantly African American neighborhood. The students at our school are a prime example of the obstacles that inner-city youth face on a daily basis. However, the inequities within our public schools and student experiences do not define our young Admirals. Our focus is to create lifelong learners who are ready to take on the world and make a difference for themselves and their neighborhoods. As educators in the early stages of our careers, we believe we bring a progressive approach to education and believe in student-centric instruction. Our goal as a team is to not only shed light upon the inequity that exists within inner city schools, but to identify teaching strategies and solutions to better serve students nationwide, specifically the students we have the privilege of working with at Farragut Career Academy.

Fellow Type: 
Hollyhock Fellow